9am to 3pm | Marceline, Missouri
Trains, Cars, Tractors, Crafts, Food, Shopping, and more! Download the flyer
Since 2001, the Walsworth Community Center has been producing this free community event, bringing railroad fans together from around the region and around the State.
Featuring historic, vintage, and modern tractors and farm machinery of all kinds and all colors.
Plan your visit to Marceline – you won’t want to miss this!
Be sure to check out the other special events hosted by Marceline businesses.
We've invited several 'specialty' vehicles this year, and here are a few who have said they will bring something... so bring the kids to see some of these vehicles up close.
This oil-burning steam locomotive #2546 was built in 1911 at the ALCo’s Works in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was known as the Consolidation type 2-8-0 and after 1875 it was the most popular railroad engine type in the country for almost 50 years. It weighs over 100 tons, and the oil tender behind that weighs about the same. The locomotive had a top speed of 40 miles per hour. Not so fast these days, but fast enough in the late 1800s.
The economy of Marceline employs 946 people. The largest industries in Marceline are Manufacturing (196 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (147 people), Construction (127 people), and the highest paying industries are Construction ($73,355), Utilities ($68,333), Transportation & Warehousing, & Utilities ($67,500).
The magic of Marceline starts in 1888 when Marceline was founded. Walt Disney called Marceline his home town many times, to millions of people – because he loved the small town feeling and his childhood memories of a small town in northern Missouri. Today, Marceline’s magic continues because of the dedicated residents who work to make Marceline better; the visitors who come to see Walt’s hometown; and classic American values of God, Family, and Country.
The Walsworth Community Center encompasses 14,272 square feet. The construction was underwritten by Missouri Department of Economic Development Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) grants. The building opened its doors to the public on September 21, 2001.
In acknowledgement of the ongoing generous donations from the Walsworth family, the Board of Directors of the Marceline Community Building Committee Corporation named the facility the Walsworth Community Center.
Even though the original building was completed in 2001, the all-volunteer Board of Directors has continued its work on behalf of the Center and the community by taking charge of the administration and the management of the building operations.
Prior to 1887, the children of the pioneering families in Marceline, who desired to attend school, were obliged to attend the rural institution known as Hayden’s School which was across the street from where the residence of Don Taylor now stands, at the northern city limits, west of state highway No. 5. This being before schools were required to conform to a standard grading scale, the majority of the enrollment of twenty children of this first school attended only two or three terms, or until they had learned to read and write fairly well.
Learn more from the Marceline Historical Society at www.MarcelineHistory.org
A frozen dessert with ice shaved into thin, delicate flakes, creating a soft and fluffy texture that melts in your mouth. Flavored syrup is poured over the ice, resulting in a mouthwatering treat. With Kona Ice, you can put on your own flavors!
The Walsworth Community Center encompasses 14,272 square feet. The construction was underwritten by Missouri Department of Economic Development Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) grants. The building opened its doors to the public on September 21, 2001.
In acknowledgement of the ongoing generous donations from the Walsworth family, the Board of Directors of the Marceline Community Building Committee Corporation named the facility the Walsworth Community Center.
Even though the original building was completed in 2001, the all-volunteer Board of Directors has continued its work on behalf of the Center and the community by taking charge of the administration and the management of the building operations.
Main Street USA in Marceline, MO is located 3 miles south of Highway 36 in Linn County, Missouri.